With so much happening in the world right now, it’s important to lean on each other and help our neighbors whenever possible. With the weather warming up for the spring season, we can finally get outdoors and volunteer or participate in outdoor community service projects. If you are looking to volunteer, you don’t have to travel far from home at all. Here are 12 ways to volunteer right in your neighborhood!

Cleanup Trash in the Neighborhood
Volunteering in your neighborhood doesn’t have to be hard. Something as simple as picking up trash at the local park or on your streets can be a huge help. If you’re feeling ambitious, you could even organize an entire team to take to the streets and help.
Plant a Community Garden or Tree
Who wouldn’t love beautiful trees or gardens brightening up their neighborhood? Make sure to clear your plan with town officials. If approved, rally some neighbors to plant a garden or tree somewhere special in your community.
Help Neighborhood Elders with Yard Work
Some neighbors might have trouble managing their yard work due to being older or other health conditions. Ask around your neighborhood to see who might need assistance in their yard and volunteer your time to help them.
Participate in a Charity Walk or 5k Race
Do some research to see what organizations might be hosting a charity walk or 5k race in your area. Some of these might be held virtually as well, meaning you could participate by just walking or running individually in your own neighborhood.
Spring Clean and Donate Used Clothing
Spring cleaning can make you feel organized and fresh! But why not make it meaningful as well. Gather the used clothing you were going to throw away and donate it to a family in need or a clothing shelter nearby?
Deliver Meals or Groceries to the Elderly
Offer help to those elderly neighbors in your community that have a difficult time cooking or getting groceries. Bring over a prepared meal they simply need to heat up or ask if they need anything from the grocery store on your next trip out.
Volunteer at Your Neighborhood Animal Shelter
Do you love animals? Why not make a difference in your community by spend your day volunteering at the local animal shelter?
Serve Food at Your Local Homeless Shelter
Check with your local homeless shelters to see if they have open volunteer opportunities to help serve meals or collect donations.
Donate Non-Perishable Goods to a Food Drive
Do you know of a local food drive going on? Collect non-perishable goods and donate them. You can also get the neighborhood together to host one of your very own and donate them to a local food pantry, food bank, or shelter.
Donate Used Books to Your Neighborhood Library
When cleaning your house, see if you find any used books laying around and donate them to your community library. You can make it a neighborhood effort by getting your neighbors to participate as well.
Organize a Neighborhood Garage Sale
Do you have a lot of belongings to get rid of after spring cleaning? Why not host a garage sale or even organize a neighborhood garage sale and donate the proceeds to a local shelter or organization in need?
Host a Car Wash
Rally some of your neighbors together to host a car wash or reach out to a local business to host it at their location. Then, donate the proceeds of the wash to a local family or organization in need of extra help.