Woman walking outside using tissue to sneeze because of spring allergies

Spring means the sun starts shining longer and brighter, flowers begin to bloom, and birds start to chirp. However, it also means spring allergies start to take over quickly. Having spring allergies is physically and mentally draining. Not only are they annoying to deal with, but they can also take away enjoyment of outdoor activities during the Spring and Summer months. If you encounter allergy symptoms like itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, hives, scratchy throat, etc., please see a medical professional. They will be able to provide allergy testing to determine what you are allergic to, provide suggestions for medication, and other treatment options. To supplement what the doctor says or to aid in the treatment at home, there are a few things you can do to lessen the severity of your symptoms. Here is a quick list of at home tips for spring allergies. 

  1. Check the Weather & Pollen Level

Before going outdoors check the pollen level for the day. If the pollen level is high avoid going outdoors and opening doors or windows in your home. If you do need to go outdoors, try to limit the time you spend outside as much as possible. Windier days are known to aggravate spring allergies even more, so take note of that when examining the daily weather conditions. 

  1. Protect Yourself Outdoors

If you suffer from spring allergies and do plan to go outdoors, there are ways to protect yourself from suffering or lessen your symptoms. Wearing a hat can help decrease the chances of pollen sticking to your hair outdoors and traveling back inside with you at the end of the day. Sunglasses are also a great method of protection for spring allergies. Sunglasses help to prevent pollen and other allergens from getting into your eyes, further aggravating any allergy symptoms.  

  1. Wash Clothing & Bedding

When you come in from being outside for a few hours, sometimes pollen and other allergens can travel back indoors with you on your clothing. Washing clothing right when you come in or that day can help decrease the chances of those allergens affecting you negatively. Also, washing your bedding frequently can help to make sure you are sleeping in sheets, pillows, and blankets that are free from outdoor allergens.  

  1. Clean Pets When They Return Inside

Pets that go outside can often carry allergens back inside as well. When they come in from outside it’s important to wash them off as soon as possible to eliminate the chance of the allergens spreading throughout the home. You can wash them down with pet wipes, a towel, or give them a full bath to ensure that they are completely allergen free. 

  1. Purchase a High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filter (HEPA)

Another way to combat spring allergies and try to lessen the severity of your symptoms is to purchase a high-efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA) for your home. Using a HEPA filter can help remove airborne allergens that might make your symptoms worse.