top view of hosting thanksgiving meal spread out on table

Are you hosting Thanksgiving at your home this year? Hosting any sort of celebration can be stressful with all of the time and effort needed to prepare and make the day memorable for your guests. Thanksgiving typically brings even more time and effort needed to prepare. Cooking a turkey is no easy feat and there are so many other menu items that need to be prepared as well. Need help preparing to host? Use our Homeowner’s Checklist for Hosting Thanksgiving to ensure you and your guests have a memorable holiday this year! 

1 Month Before

  • Create Your Guest List

    Decide on who you would like to invite. Take note of any allergies or specific dietary restrictions they may have. Age is also important to consider. If you are inviting children, it’s important to have non-alcoholic drink options, kid-friendly menu options, and even activities to keep them busy. 

  • Delegate Tasks

    Once you decide on a guest list, decide what tasks and items you would like to delegate out. Ask your guests if they can bring a food item or drink to help lessen the burden on you. Once you have a list of what everyone is bringing, it’ll be easier to see what is left to create your shopping list. 

1 Week Before

  • Finalize Guestlist

    Confirm with your guests to see what your exact guest count is. You will need a final guest count to set the table and to know what size meal portions.  

  • Create a Shopping List

    Write out a shopping list of all the items you will need for your feast. Organize by categories of supplies, dry goods, and non-perishables.  

  • Order Turkey

    It’s always a good idea to plan on getting your turkey at least a week before Thanksgiving, so the store, farm, or wherever you get your turkey doesn’t run out. 

  • Shop for Non-Perishables

    Go shopping for non-perishable items that won’t go bad before the big day. You can also use this shopping trip to stock up on any paper supplies, kitchen gadgets, and any other supplies you might need. 

2-3 Days Before

  • Deep Clean and Decorate

    Deep clean your home to provide a clean and inviting space for your guests. If you choose to decorate your home for the holiday or in seasonal fall décor, you should do this 2-3 days before, so it is not a last-minute stressor for you the day of. 

  • Finish Grocery Shopping

    Take a final trip to the grocery store to collect the remaining perishable items on your grocery list. 

1 Day Before

  • Prep Food

    Prep any menu items that can be made ahead of time. This can include chopping vegetables, peeling potatoes, baking pies, and more. 

  • Pick Out Your Outfit

    Yes, the food is important, but you also want to look your best while hosting. You should pick out an outfit for the big day the day before to lessen the morning of stress.   

Thanksgiving Day

  • Set the Table

    In the morning before guests arrive, make sure to set the table for the day. Plates, napkins, silverwakre, etc. You can even get creative with décor and place cards if you wish. 

  • Finish Cooking

    Finish cooking the turkey and any other last minute menu items and place them on the table, ready to enjoy.