Children all over the world anticipate the Easter season. They look forward to celebrating Easter by searching their houses, backyards, or local parks for Easter eggs containing a variety of prizes. Easter Egg Hunt’s are not only for children though. People of all ages can participate in an Easter Egg Hunt. Are you thinking of hosting an Easter Egg Hunt for your family or community this year? Here are some tips to learn how to host the ultimate Easter Egg Hunt for people of all ages!
Pick a Location
One of the most important rules to being a homeowner with a pool, is to always have supervision whenever someone is using the pool. Whether your kids are swimming, another family member, or guest, it’s important to always have a clear view and quick access to the pool. This way if an emergency ever were to happen, you could see it and respond to it immediately.
Have a Backup Plan for Rain
If you plan to host your egg hunt outdoors, it’s important to have a backup plan in case you have inclement weather. This can be scheduling a secondary rain date or having a backup venue indoors for the big day.
Decide on Ages
An Easter Egg Hunt can be for people of all ages. When planning your hunt, you need to decide on what age groups will be able to participate in before planning the details and prizes. The difficulty level of the hunt and the prizes will vary depending on which age group you decide to go with. You could also host multiple times or levels for different age groups.
Use Plastic or Ceramic Eggs
While some people like to use hard-boiled eggs for their hunt, it is recommended to use either plastic or ceramic eggs. Hiding real eggs can be problematic because if they are not found during the hunt, they could be forgotten about and eventually start to rot and smell. Having plastic or ceramic eggs eliminates this, and it makes them less fragile when hunters are collecting.
Hide Eggs Strategically
During an Easter Egg Hunt, it’s important to hide the eggs strategically. Depending on the age level, you will want to have the hunt be enough of a challenge but not too difficult as well. A good rule of thumb is to hide some in more difficult spots but hide a few in plain sight as well.
Make it Fair
To keep it fair between hunters, everyone should have the same sized bag or basket to put their eggs in. That way one single person isn’t collecting them all. If you are worried about children participating in finding the eggs, you can also designate specific eggs for collecting by colors, numbers, or letters. This way each child is only collecting their own color, number, or letter to make sure everyone receives a fair number of eggs.
Gather Fun Prizes
The prizes are the best part of the Easter Egg Hunt. If you have children playing you can fill the eggs with candy, small toys, money, stickers, and other small goodies. If you have older children playing, they might enjoy prizes of money, coupons, gift cards, or small technology items. For adults, gift cards, small bottles of alcohol, and money are great options.
Add A Challenge
If you want to make your Easter Egg Hunt a little more challenging, you can take it one step further. Each egg can hold a clue leading your hunters to the next egg, like a scavenger hunt. Or, you have each egg hold a puzzle piece, that will tell them about their grand prize at the end of the hunt.