When spring comes along, so does the need for a deep spring cleaning of your home and your belongings. One of the best ways to organize your belongings and decide what you want vs what you would like to give away is by hosting a spring yard sale. Having a spring yard sale can help you get rid of older items that no longer fit or that you no longer need or want. Here are some tips on how to organize a spring yard sale this year.
Set a Goal
The first thing you should do when planning a yard sale is decide what your ultimate goal for having the sale is. Are you looking to get rid of items because your home is feeling cluttered, or are you downsizing? Either way, a spring yard sale is a great way to rid yourself of unnecessary belongings. Your goal may also be to make money from the yard sale. If this is the case, consider this when pricing items out. However, keep in mind not to be too greedy in your request for price, or you may have trouble selling your items.
Pick a Date
Picking a date for your yard sale is important as well. You should pick a few days in a row, so you have multiple timeframes for selling. For example, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays typically work best since people are out of work and traveling through neighborhoods while running errands or making plans. Don’t forget to consider a rain date as well. Or, have a backup plan for your items in case it rains. You can always set up tents or host the yard sale in your garage if necessary.
Prepare with the Essentials
Before the big day of your spring yard sale, make sure you have the essentials to make sure the day goes smoothly. You should have a calculator accessible to do quick math for giving back change or adding up prices. You should also be stocked with extra bills and coins to give shoppers back change if applicable. It’s a great idea to have extra bags, boxes, and wrapping for fragile items as well.
Advertise your Spring Yard Sale
One of the most important tips for having a successful yard sale is advertising it. There are plenty of ways to advertise to your community about your sale. You can put an ad in the newspaper, create a flyer to hang in local businesses in the community, or create a lawn sign to display a few weeks beforehand. There are also online groups on social media platforms and websites where you can make an announcement of your yard sale as well.