Congratulations on moving into your new home. But just because everything in your house is new, doesn’t mean there isn’t maintenance you need to do on a regular basis.
Some home experts have found that every $1 you put into preventive maintenance can save you $100 in home repairs down the road. Having a printed or online checklist you stick to can dramatically reduce headaches down the road.

• Change your HVAC/Heat filters out regularly. If you are a family with furry pets, small children or allergies, you want to change out your filter monthly. Otherwise every 2-3 months should be fine. A visual inspection each month of your filter can tell you if it needs a change if there is any discoloration.

• Test smoke and carbon monoxide alarms every 3 months. Even though smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms are hardwired, it is still important to test this life-saving device.

• Have a guest bathroom or utility sink that rarely gets used? It is a good idea to run all water fixtures a couple times a year to prevent buildups of unwanted materials.

• Clean out gutters regularly. Gutters exist for a reason, to divert water away from unwanted places and reduce ponding and flooding on your property. Try to clean out your gutters a couple times a year and you will get a feel for how often it needs to be done.

• Cleaning your showerhead and any detachable sink facets. If you notice a lack in water pressure, this could be a culprit. Sometimes in places with hard water, sediment can build up and decrease water pressure. Soak them in vinegar to clean.

• Use professionals. Getting your air conditioner, dryer vent, fireplace and other appliances serviced regularly can prolong their life.
Bottom line is preventative maintenance, while it doesn’t always seem necessary can help extend the life of your appliances and prevent your appliances from breaking down and causing you headaches.